Boost your productivity with IntelliJ IDEA

I invite you to join my IntelliJ IDEA online course on Udemy, which will not only cover many keyboard shortcuts but also other productivity boosters like strategies for debugging and refactoring - all condensed into a single well structured course.

Your instructor

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Hi, I am Rocco Schulz!
I have worked as a software engineer, software architect and DevOps engineer with Java, Kotlin, Python and TypeScript for many years. IntelliJ IDEA is my IDE of choice. Despite being a power user I learned a ton of new tricks while preparing this course - and so will you.

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I am looking forward to welcoming you in my IntelliJ course :-)

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Writing and editing code
code generation, fixing problems, comments, basic editing, autocompletion, code inspection, live templates, file templates, refactoring, writing and running unit tests

Code navigation
quick access to tool windows, search and replace including RegEx support and other options, navigating class hierarchies, finding files/classes/methods, using bookmarks, navigation within files/classes, jumping to linked code

Build systems
working with and configuring maven/gradle/npm, shortcuts, bundled vs. local installation, common issues and fixes, inspecting dependencies and identifying conflicts

Local history and version control systems
local file history, git integration, stash vs. shelf, diffing with other versions or clipboard, viewing git information, configuration, rewriting history, working with git submodules, working with multiple changesets, customization of pre-commit analyzers

Debugging and profiling
using the debugger, managing breakpoints, capturing and analyzing thread dumps, evaluating expressions, non-suspending breakpoints, debugging strategies, JVM/CPU/memory profiling with the Java Flight Recorder and the async-profiler

Technology & framework integration
Spring Boot integration, working with JPA, nvm, managing databases, docker & docker-compose, Jupyter notebooks, useful plugins, HTTP requests

Bonus section
useful but little known features like scratch files, time tracking, .editorconfig files, run targets, avoiding key-binding conflicts on Ubuntu, sharing configurations in teams, spell checking, ...


Useful text editing shortcuts
Refactoring workflow: introducing the strategy pattern in Java